Casey Garrett, Varisty Head Coach
College Attended: Florida State
College Sport: SoftballPosition: Pitcher
Professional Experience: New England Riptide/ Connecticut Braketts
“Sometimes the only thing fair in
life is a ball hit between 1st and 3rd.”
Kelly Baltz, Asst.
College Attended: SIU-Cardbondale
Tom Ninnis, Asst. Coach
College Attended: Eastern Illinois
Coaching Positions: Varsity Head
Softball Coach 1978-1995Record Coaching: 408-88
“Life’s battles don’t always go to
the stronger or faster player but sooner or later the player who wins is the
player who thinks he can.” - Unknown
Janet Switzer, JV Head
College Attended: Indiana State
College Sport: SoftballPosition: Catcher
Jeremy Witt, Asst. Coach Coleege Attended: Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever. - Lance Armstrong
Bob Yagge, Asst. Coach